
I White Home Teeth Whitening Kit Review

For years I've been interested in having my teeth whitened but unfortunately as is the case for many others I can't afford to do it professionally. So I heard of a few people using this 'iwhite' kit and while it was on offer for 23 euro in boots I though why the f not try it now! 

In the box you get 10 prefilled trays ready to use. Depending on what you desire you can either use the trays 10 times on either your top or bottom teeth or use them 5 times on both your top and bottom teeth. I opted for the top and bottom teeth to be whitened so I used the every day over the course of 5 days, you simply pop the tray onto your teeth leave them there for 20-30 minutes and let them work their magic.

Being honest, after 5 days I generally didn't see a huge difference in the whiteness of my teeth, they did look a little cleaner and my smile was just the slightest bit brighter but overall I didn't achieve the results I had hoped for. Iwhite do also sell a toothpaste and mouth wash so I would imagine using the trays in conjunction with them would increase your results.. but again I wouldn't have too high expectations. 
So in general if you're looking for a little teeth brightening give this a go but, if like me, you're looking for something with slightly more drastic results I would give this one a miss! 

If anyone has tried or knows of any good home teeth whitening kits comment them below, i'd love to give them a try! 

Adele x


The Outfit | Sixteen

Shirt: Vintage
Shoes: Missguided

Almost two years ago I bought this bright yellow cord.. yes cord, shirt, and two years on it is still my favourite shirt ever. I also just so happened to wear it on the same day that gay marriage was made legal in Ireland so I feel it was quite fitting for the occasion.. yay for equality!


I hope everyone had a lovely weekend!
Adele x


28 Hours In London

Last week myself and the college gals gave London a quick visit, 28 hours to be precise. Unfortunately about 6 of those were spent being lost in town while the rest was spent eating, drinking, sleeping and using our oyster cards to their full potential. That being said we had our fun, but it's always nice to be back home.. stay stunnin Dublin. 


Adele x


May style inspiration

So, the past month or so I've been compiling together pictures for some inspiration.

Here's what I've been feelin':
Culottes: I'm not too sure how well I could pull them off with being 2ft but they look simply divine on others. 
Basics: Tops, Dresses, colours, cuts.. basic everything! So easy to pair up with different things in your wardrobe.
Deep V's: Nothing is prettier than a deep V neckline.. I neeeed a few of these in my life! 


What has everyone else been loving lately? 
Adele x


April in Pictures

It's really not good that I am sitting here writing this in the 5th month of this year, it's going far too fast and this is 50 shades of not okay.
Anyways, Ireland experienced it's week of Summer last month so the majority of my pictures reflect those 7 days. 

Do give me a follow on instagram and bloglovin!

Til' next month! 
Adele x