
Instagram Roundup | May

May has come to an end, which means exams are over, the college year is done and dusted and Ireland is currently experiencing it's short lived summer with a mini heatwave, what is there not to be happy about? I am going away for three weeks in about a month and a half so up until then Summer is going to be pretty boring with trying to save all of my pennies, but I am positive it will all be worth it. 

What are your plans for the Summer? 

Don't forget to give my insta a follow!

Adele x


The Fashion Post | Orange Turtleneck and Denim Mini Skirt

Jumper: Urban Outfitters
Skirt: Asos
Heels: New Look

Soo i'm looking a little like the love child of Twiggy and Velma from Scooby Doo. I rarely wear my denim mini skirt, it is quite short but hopefully I will get somewhat of a tan on my legs over the summer and I can wear it more. I haaate how skinny and pale my legs are.. all I want in life are legs like Caroline Flack and lips like Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, but, for now I suppose i'll just have to work with what I've got.

I hope everyone has a lovely weekend!

Adele x


The Life Post | Teami Blends Tea Review

Before getting into the review I would like to point out that in no way am I being paid to make this post and all opinions expressed are honest and my own. 

So unless you've been living under a rock, you will know that tea cleansing has been taking society by storm as of recent. Basically the process involves drinking a specially formulated tea to cleanse and detox your body. It can be done with different goals at the end of the process, weight loss, to improve your energy levels, boost your immune system, or even to clear up your skin, with that the teami website has a tea to suit every need. 

For me, I am not interested in loosing weight. However, having discovered I have anemia a couple months ago I have been trying to make some changes to my diet, so Teami's 'Alive' tea seemed like a good option to go with as it contains vitamins and iron. With three main ingredients, ginger honey, lemon grass and green tea it claims to boost your metabolism, increase energy levels and generally improve your immune system. With 15 tea bags in one pack, the tea itself is nice to drink with a very slight ginger flavour.

Overall since drinking the tea I have noticed a difference in my energy levels, I feel a lot less sluggish and with my metabolism being boosted I feel far less bloated. I like to have a mug at night before I go to sleep as the warm ginger taste relaxes me perfectly.  

I have heard great things about Teami's other teas and would recommend them for anyone thinking of giving them a try, annnd for a nice little discount you can use the code 'ADELE' to save yourself some money.

Let me know your thoughts on tea cleansing in the comments!

Adele x


The Fashion Post | May Wishlist

It's been quite a while since I've posted anything on here, for multiple reasons, but I am back and I have a lot of posts planned for the foreseeable future, so stay tuned. 

With summer very much upon us, my holiday wishlist is ever growing. Groovy trousers like these bright orange ones from Pretty Little Thing have really been catching my eye, i'm really into the whole 70s trend that has been in fashion and I think these trousers embody everything I love about the trend. Keeping with the sixties and seventies flower power theme, I've been longing after some cute baby doll swing dresses for sunny days, I've been loving plain white and cream ones along with loud patterned ones like this Asos one. Alexa Chung has killlleed it with her Marks and Spencer's collection, my favorite piece is the Lydia mini skirt, I can think of so many different ways of styling it.

I've recently heard of the different shampoo bars lush make and the one pictured above is their shampoo and conditioner bar. Since i'm going away for three weeks this summer travelling around Europe it would definitely come in handy to have a bar that will do two jobs for my hair. If anyone has tried this before please let me know what it's like! I've already purchased quite a few bikinis for my travels but you can never have enough really, this yellow one from Missguided is too cute, I love the cut and colour of it. 

I'm also on the look out for cute but practical tan heels or sandals for my adventures, these Missguided ones are definitely cute but i'm unsure how practical they would be, but since they're just so pretty to look at I had to include them! I also threw in this pretty glitter pot from Pretty Little Thing. I'm not going to any festivals this year but I have every intention of still dousing myself in glitter at every chance I get because why not. 

What are you after this month? Bought anything nice lately? 

Adele x