
The Beauty Post | Lush 'Damaged' hot oil hair treatment Review.

Quite a while ago I put up this picture on instagram saying I was excited to try it, a few people commented saying they would like a review on it so finally, here is that review.

With the core ingredients clearly printed on the front of the stick I was very excited to try this, the vanilla makes it smell amazing and I had previously heard some good things about it. The treatment claims to replenish and re hydrate dry hair while giving it a little shine boost.

 How the treatment works is simple, you pop the stick into a mug/bowl pour some boiled water into it and stir until it becomes a creamy texture. Then let the treatment cool a little and rub it into your hair, I focused mainly on the ends of my hair as that is the part that is most dry for me, just working a little of the product up towards my roots. It is recommended to leave it in for at least 20 minutes, I left it in for a good hour or so to ensure that the product got to work. After this I washed it out, I washed my hair 2 or 3 times with both hot and cold water to make sure the product was fully washed out, little did I know what state my hair would be left in after. I'm not sure whether I used too much of the product, left it in for too long, or if my shampoo wasn't strong enough to wash it out, but the treatment would not get out of my hair, I had to try pick clumps of the product out of it as I was washing it, still to no avail. I blow dried and tried to style it as I usually would but my entire head was a horrible waxy texture, it looked greasy and was disgusting to touch. The next day I washed it again and while most of it washed, out my hair was still left a little waxy. 

All in all this product did nothing for my hair, I did not notice any extra shine nor did it feel in any way re hydrated, for the price of this product I most definitely won't be repurchasing it. I will just stick to my diy treatments for now. That being said I have heard some really good stuff about this product so maybe it wasn't for me but it will work for you if you're willing to spend a few bob. For me, I find Lush products quite hit and miss and this was most definitely a miss. Soz Lush.

If you do happen to be looking a hair oil that stimulates growth I will recommend having a look here. Lush may not have been much use, but this may just help you find what you are looking for. Silver lining and all that. 

Have you tried this product before?

Adele x

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