
Instagram Roundup | April

Oh man am I glad to see the back of April, between college and exam stress and other issues it has not been the most enjoyable month. In between all that mayhem I did however manage to dye my hair pink/peach, and a post all about this is soon to come in the next couple weeks, along with lots of other posts I have planned. 

On a side note, I would love if you all left me a little note below on what kind of posts you want to see from me in the upcoming months. I am open to any suggestions! 

Adele x


  1. How did i end up here somebody posted a interracial porn with urdu or arabic comments clicked on it redirected here cant decide me searching porn is bad or your amazing blog connected and redirected from a porn video is bad

    1. ya im ashamed of my habit im jobless here.ya i know i think i can get a minnimum wage job in iowa if i go there and luckily marry my gf
