
The Fashion Post | Tried & Tested - The Off The Shoulder Shirt Trend

Fashion - an ever changing, ever evolving world. You either keep up with it and it's trends or you fall behind. 

Admittedly I am not one to succumb to trends, if I don't like something, there is no way will I wear it simply on the basis that it is 'in'. I tend to avoid a lot of trends for fear of blending in. However, the off the shoulder shirt trend is something that appears to be taking the fashion world by storm and something that I may just be on board with. Putting my fashion trend snobbery aside, I decided to root out my old shirts and give them a little off the shoulder revamp.

Often in fashion, trends are just trends and clothes are just clothes. Fashion weeks produce them, clothing brands duplicate them, fashion bloggers and magazines share them, and fashion followers wear them. That is the cycle. However, no one seems to review them, or really give things much thought. The practicality of fashion and it's trends is often overlooked, with the importance being placed on how you look, rather than how you feel
So, taking the off the shoulder shirt trend, I have decided to try this craze out for myself and report back with just how practical, comfortable and sensible the whole thing is. 

The three main areas I focused on when putting the trend to the test was 
- how comfortable I was throughout the day
- how practical said trend was to wear  
- if the trend was appropriate for every day life and tasks

Done all in the name of fashion, my findings were mixed. While I love the effortless aesthetic this trend gives off along with the fact that it has given the old white shirt a new lease of life, I am unsure as to how realistic this is on a mundane, day to day kind of basis. 

If, like me, you generally steer clear of bras you will have a serious case of paranoid boobies while wearing this trend. The constant checking to make sure a boob has not slipped out of it's assigned place can be a little off putting, not to mention tiring. Then we have eating, drinking, and attempting to do any other kind of standard task. All of the above are made that bit harder by trying to hold your top in place, for fear of looking stupid, or worse, a tit falling out. Not only do you have restricted movement from the shirt, it also requires constant fixing so that you look on top of your game. Something that makes the simple task of eating  or applying make up that little more difficult. 

Overall, I like this trend, I promise I do. But having worn it on a few occasions I have come to the realisation that while it looks cool, it does not come without it's cons. 

My overall verdict on this sassy trend - Perfect for night time wear, when you want to show off some skin and feel comfortable in knowing that you will not be doing many activities. But probably best to be avoided if you are going for a job interview, or out for Sunday dinner with your parents, nip slips are a hazard. 

Let me know in the comments your thoughts on this trend. Have you tried it before, or are you steering clear? I would love to hear your feedback. 

Adele x