
The Beuaty Post - Sally Hansen Miracle Gel Review

Shellac nails have become a huge trend in recent years, and I personally love how they look. However, while they do look amazing and last longer than a normal manicure they can come at a price, a price that I, as a broke student am not willing to pay.

 Having seen and heard a lot about Sally Hansen's 'Miracle Gel' nail polish, I thought I would give it a try for myself. Knowing that I was travelling for three weeks over the Summer I took that as the perfect opportunity to test the product out. 

The product is a part-lacquer part-gel manicure system that claims to last up to two weeks. For just under twenty euro I purchased both the colour and top coat. With a huge range of colours to choose from, I went with a neutral pale pink to play it safe. I applied on both my fingers and toes, two layers of the colour polish to clean nails first and then the top coat over that once dry. The application was straight forward and didn't take long. 

Onto the important part, did it work? I would give this product a big huge 'meh'. It didn't take very long before a couple of small chips appeared, but nothing too major. Admittedly I was travelling around a lot, constantly moving from city to city, walking around, doing activities and lugging suitcases and backpacks with me in the process, so my nails were exposed to quite a bit of labour. With that taken into account I would like to see if the varnish would last longer in a different environment. After about a week and a half I eventually gave in to looking at my miserable chipped nails and picked it all off and bought a new varnish to paint them with for the rest of the holiday.

Overall, I do think the Miracle Gel polish lasts longer than a normal nail polish which I am happy with, but it did not last as long as I had expected and most certainly does not last up to two weeks as it claims to. The product is a good cheaper alternative to shellac nails, but I would not recommend anyone to try it if they are anticipating amazing results from it.

Has anyone else tried this before? What are your thoughts on it? 

Adele x

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