
Girl Talk | Things I learned when I stopped wearing bras

Today marks the beginning of a little series on my blog entitled 'girl talk'. Since the vast majority of my readers are women and I myself am one too (in case you didn't know) I thought it would be interesting to make posts every so often discussing female related topics and shed some light on certain issues attributed to our gender. So get ready for a whole load of bra, period and hormone talk in the upcoming months. 

To kick things off I thought I would talk about bras, or more specifically my lack of bras and what I discovered through no longer wearing them. Mostly due to laziness I gave up putting on a bra everyday around the beginning of this year, when I realised how liberating it was I decided to make an active decision to no longer wear them on a daily basis. Of course the very odd time I will put one on if needs be, but generally the gals are let loose. Here are the pros and cons of this freedom.

It's Comfortable Af 
Every girl is familiar with that magical feeling you get when you remove your bra after a long day of perkiness. If you don't wear a bra you experience that feeling all the live long day, have I convinced you to ditch that bra yet?

People Will Stare 
Isn't it weird to think that there are legal and illegal nipples in the world? Clearly these illegal nipples not being covered by a millimeter of material is just too much for some people to handle. Be prepared for creepy men to focus on the outline of your boobs under your top more than your face and for old ladies to make comments on how 'disgraceful' you are. I firmly hold my two fingers up to every one of these people.

Hello Bralettes 
Giving up wearing bras may lead you to become acquainted with it's much prettier, much friendlier, little sister, the bralette. For me whenever it is necessary for me to wear some form of boob support I will reach for a bralette. Comfortable and pretty they are the perfect alternative to uncomfortable wire bras.

Nip Slips May Happen
This is a no brainer. No bra = the possibility of your nips making an appearance. I have had one, maybe two in my lifetime but it's really no big deal, we all have nipples and it's something that should just be laughed off.

You Save $$$
Bras are seriously expensive, which is very irritating when you didn't even choose the boob life. By ditching your bras you will save yourself a whole load of dolla bills which you can spend on more important things, like chocolate.

Running For The Bus Is Not What It Used To Be 
My boobs are pretty much non existent, but I can most definitely feel them having a bounce around if I need to run for any given reason. Running to catch the bus now involves me holding my chest and announcing to my friends that I have no bra on and 'can't do this'.

Life Long Perkiness
On average bra wearers sag roughly 7mm more than non wearers. I understand for women with larger boobs it is not always possible to go braless, however, for gals like myself with smaller boobs there is no reason why we shouldn't. I definitely want to avoid sagging at all costs so really I am just doing myself a huge favour by freeing them nips.

Whether you choose to go tits out or like the support of a wired bra, that is completely your choice. For me I can't ever imagine going back to locking up my boobs in a padded prison again. I am perfectly happy to take the cons with the pros and carry on freeing the nipple.

What are your thoughts on this?

Adele x

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