
The Fashion Post | Asos Wishlist

As a part of my birthday present last month I received a 40 pound Asos voucher and, because I have zero self control to wait, I took to Asos straight away and started to look through some pieces I might like to get with my voucher. While I was saving things to my wishlist I realized that everything I have on my list might make a good blog post. I rarely make wishlists for the sheer fact that majority of the time I am broke and so I try to avoid online shopping as much as possible, because I really don't want to end up crying over clothes I can't buy or more broke because I bought clothes. But if you guys like them then I can bite the bullet and make more. 

As much as I would like to convince myself that Summer will never come to an end, the reality of it is that it will, and pretty soon at that (cries). So I tried to be responsible and pick out items that are appropriate for both now and the colder seasons. So that kind of overruled the mini skirt and sun dress, I think I just added them to my list in the hopes that if I do the gods will hear me and extend Summer.

Lately I am starting to see the sense in investing in one solid item, such as a skirt or trousers, to add to your wardrobe rather than buying a few cheap dresses and tops that I will wear once and probably never again. So I tried to use my voucher as wisely as possible and in the end I went for the stripe pencil skirt that I am hoping will see me through the Winter months and into next year.

Have you bought anything recently?
Adele x

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